WooHoo! Puppies are Here! Black and Tawny Briard pups born May 28, 2024. A very special litter, Daddy was born in 1983. 1 tawny boy available. More info

And we must be insane. Pilot delivered 6 tawny bundles of joy 3 weeks later, on June 17th. 1 girl and 1 boy available. More info

"free" tawny Girl from Pilot available, with a small Catch. She's sweet, adorable, and has a parrot mouth. Read all about her.

Beautiful, impressive, large, shaggy, loving, smart, energetic, faithful, and protective - words that describe a Briard. Briards are truly "Hearts Wrapped in Fur", always near their people. From Briard puppies to Briard adults, they are great dogsĀ in the right home. Are you that right home?

Briards are herding dogs. It is their natural instinct to herd that helps form their personality and character. Briards are bred to know where they belong, and to be where they belong. Their job is to care for and protect their "flock", be it sheep, people, and even other dogs. The Briard version of caring can take many forms, some good, some challenging.

My name is Jeanne Lorang, and I am Lebec Briards . Briards de L'Hermitage is my friends and fellow breeders Claude Marie and Steve Cooper. We have owned and loved this breed for more than a combined sixty years. Please enjoy this website, my Briards, my friends' Briards, and all things Briard. I can be reached by email, or at 661-618-8798. Claude Marie can be reached at email, or at 925-337-0830.

Briard Puppies to Briard Champions



CH Lebec's Fall From Grace de l'Hermitage HSAds, HSAsM (AKC); HTAD I-ge, s, HTAD II-ge, s, JHD-s (AHBA); OTDs, OFTDdsm, ATDd, AFTDds (ASCA)

Following her time in the show ring and in the whelping box raising lovely pups, little Gracie excelled in her third career, herding. All those letters after her name denote the many titles she earned in AKC, ASCA, and AHBA trials. She and Steve were a great team, with quite a reputation! Gracie projected power, and it's was amusing to watch the sheep and geese respect that power in such a little package. Losing Gracie was a huge blow to us all. She left us with her kids and grandkids as quite a legacy.



GCHS BISS Hermes de l'Hermitage a Lebec HSAds HSDs HSIs (AKC); HTAD I-ge,s, HTAD II-ge,s, JHD-s (AHBA); OTDs, ATDd, AFTDsdm (ASCA)

After his career as a Special in conformation, Hermes joined Gracie in racking up herding titles with owner/handler Steve. His calm demeanor and steady work ethic were a pleasure to watch. Now retired, Hermes is the patriarch of the Cooper household.




CH One For The Road de l'Hermitage HSAds (AKC) JHD-s (AHBA) STDsd (ASCA)

Tonic retired from herding, and is now a happy couch potato.




Jolie-Coeur-de-Picon du Domaine de Rougail PT (AKC) HTAD I-S, JHD-S (AHBA)

Jolie never hit the show ring, but boy, does she show promise in herding!




GCH CH Marsanne de l'Hermitage a Lebec PT HSAds (AKC) JHD-S HTAD-1 ge,s (AHBA) STDd (ASCA)

Marsanne easily finished his Grand Championship, and now enjoys his herding career. Steve is a very busy guy!


Looking for a Briard puppy?

Yes, we sell Briard puppies and we brag about our Briards' accomplishments in the show ring and at performance events.

However, what we really want to do is help you learn about the Briard, especially if you are new to the breed.

We want to be sure any home lucky enough to own a Briard knows it is the right breed for them BEFORE a puppy arrives - wherever that puppy comes from.

Please take the time to browse the site, and learn if the Briard is right for you. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us.

We also love to talk about Briards in general. So feel free to call us. It's always a pleasure to talk about our breed!

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Looking for a Briard Breeder?

If you are looking for a Briard puppy, you will probably be talking to several breeders. You should be! And if a breeder spends that time telling you about their dogs, about the Briard in general, asking questions to help you determine if a Briard is right for you, and if the puppies they have available are a good match for your home, CONGRATULATIONS!

You have found a breeder to continue to have a conversation with. There are many such Briard breeders in the U.S. The links page on this site is a good place to start your search, or broaden it. Of course, we'd love it if you started with us.

Be aware of breeders who try to discredit other breeders, instead of focusing on their own breeding programs.  Make your own open minded inquiries with as many breeders as you can,  and then make your decision regarding the right breeder with the right dog for you. 

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