Vintage Briardpuppies are here! And we are thrilled! 4 Briard girls, 3 black, 1 tawny, born by cesarean section on 8-25-23. Soleil is being a great mother.
Almost 30 years ago at Rassemblement 1995, Jeanne met a Briard named Bazil, and fell in love. Then she met many of his wonderful offspring, and those Briards stuck in her head. When Jeanne told Claude about him years later, she was very interested. We were granted the opportunity to actually breed to Bazil via the frozen semen his generous owner Cindy Markle had stored. 34 year old semen! A 4200 mile roundtrip to Wisconsin, two transcervical inseminations, and a cooperative girl, and we have puppies. We just want healthy, lovely pups like the ones that impressed Jeanne and others so long ago. We will have 1 or 2 for sale. We can't wait! The webcam is up and running to chronicle their life from birth.
Ch. Bazil du Moulin d’Eau ROM and Lebec’s Our Shining Star de l’Hermitage PT JHD are the proud parents. Well, Bazil would be proud if he was still with us. This page will be updated soon, hopefully with pics of Bazil and his great offspring.
Lebec's Our Shining Star de l'Hermitage
OFA Hips Good, Elbows Normal, Eyes Clear 2022
Bred and Owned by Jeanne Lorang and Claude Marie Cooper
Soleil is a high energy girl who also loves to cuddle. She's smart, happy to learn and work, and gets along well with other dogs and with people. She has excellent coat quality, a lovely head, and great proportions. She is a bit of a bed hog at night, but no dog is perfect. Soleil has a couple Championship points, but herding is her focus. Her learning curve would be quicker, but Jeanne is also new to the sport. At 6 weeks pregnant, Soleil earned her Junior Herding Dog title. When her pups were 6 weeks old, she earned her Pre Trial Tested title. She was a wonderful mother to her first litter, and we expect the same with this second litter.
Ch. Bazil du Moulin d'Eau ROM
Hips OFA Good
Eyes CERF Normal
CSNB status unknown, pups will be genetically tested
Owned by Cynthia Markle
Bred by M.and Mme. Jacques Laruelle (France)
Bazil was a beautiful boy with presence, imported from France. Rated 'Select' at the 1991 and 1995 Rassemblements, it was the high quality of his offspring that most impressed me. It seemed that he placed his stamp on those offspring, no matter what girl he was bred to. ROM after Bazil's name stands for Registry of Merit, awarded for the quality of his offspring. He was not a line bred boy, which makes that even more remarkable. We're digging into the past to find pictures of Bazil and his offspring, and will add them soon.
WooHoo! Our webcam is back!
For a full screen view of either webcam, double click on the image.
Another view.
This webcam has "other views" at the bottom of thre screen. You can toggle between the cams in full screen view using this feature.
How we raise our puppies
The quality of a puppy is determined by both genetics and environment. How they are raised before you ever meet them is a major influence! Lebec and l'Hermitage believe in several things:

2) Socialization begins at birth. We handle all the pups daily. Once eyes are open, we try to introduce new items and experiences regularly. In raising pups, doing things "later" is too late. "Now" is always the right time. We try to encourage visitors as early as possible, with Mom's approval, of course.
3) At 3 1/2 weeks, pups are moved into the puppy pen in the living room, with all the activity of living. Pups get turned loose several times a day to explore and broaden their world. The outside is added at about 4 weeks. The puppy pen has play and poop areas, to begin housebreaking. The play area is continually enhanced with toys, obstacles, and an environment to stimulate the puppies. Mom can hop in and out. The older dogs get to visit through the pen bars, and gradually get to meet pups in person.
4) Starting at week five, we are always looking for new experiences and new places. We try for different surfaces, different ages of people, even different temperatures, at each new place.
5) We continually encourage visitors, be it the kids from around the neighborhood, prospective buyers, friends - anyone we can get! The more people the puppies meet, the better.
6) Starting at 7 weeks, pups are fed in crates to prepare them for new homes. They spend several nights in their crates before leaving, giving puppy buyers a head start on house training.
7) Puppy buyers are provided with a long document giving our take on raising Briards, a puppy crate, collar and leash, a scented toy, and ready access to us for help and advice at any time. Pups are microchipped and receive their first vaccination before leaving.
Pups from Lebec and l'Hermitage are raised with love and experience - it's a winning combination.
- European titles are not reflected in this pedigree. There are MANY! European dogs often have Championship titles in multiple countries.
Soleil is holding this space for pics of her puppies when they arrive.
Claude Marie
Email Claude Marie
Email Jeanne
Cell 661-618-8798
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